
Showing posts from March, 2018

The pedestrian

the tone of the pedestrian was sad and it made me think how today’s society is so addicted to technology and how we literally can’t live without it anymore. I really wish we can go back to the day we’re it wasn’t so necessary and all the kids would go out to play cops and robbers without technology and adults would chat and have actual interest in things instead of being stuck on a screen all day. Bradbury got his message across by showing how things would be in the future and he actually predicted it correctly nobody walks at night and everyone is in their house at night just watching tv or on their phone just staring into nothingness and it’s actually starting to annoy the crap out of me because I can tell that I’m getting slower and slower and I really want to put a stop to it at least for myself. The tone of this story really made its seem sad and helpless about the future and how technology is taking over really fast.         People in 2018 don’t walk or go hiking or do outdoor a

Essay(late but better then never)

     “The Great Gatsby”, is what everyone called him. He wanted to be great and known. He wanted the be rich and  powerful and loved, but most of all he wanted to be noticed. Not noticed from just anyone he wanted to be noticed by what he thought was his one true love. J. Gatsby was one of the most known and powerful men at his time, he was wealthy and loved by many people. In my opinion i believe that Gatsbys love and obsession for all this is what brought him to his end.        J.Gatsbys live was good he lived wealth, he went to war which is why he didn’t get to marry Daisey in the first place. He thought she’d wait for him to come back but she got married to Tom, she wasn’t happy thought. When Gatsby found out he started to do everything in his power to get Daisy to notice him and that’s were my thought comes in, Gatsby died but of “love”. He was obsessed with the thought of a love connection with him and Daisy that nothing else mattered to him then to get her attention. Finally af


I want to watch the movie version of The Great Gatsby so I can understand it better

College Fair

yesterday we had a college fair from 2nd to 3rd period. Before I went to all the tables I thought I knew what I was going to do after high school. I was sad because I didnr know I had more than one option. I learned that almost every university can let you transfer from community college. I also learned about money 💵 for college. I have a different plan for after high school. I know that I’m moving the fuck out of Santa Maria this place is toxic and I will not live and start my life after high school here. I’m going to Sara Barbara community college, yes it’s expensive but I will move out of Santa Maria I want to be independent and I know I can do it. After sbcc i want to transfer to Nevada university or UC Santa Cruz I love nature so its a perfect fit for me. Now that we had the college fair I feel better about my future and I’m really happy we had that college fair it’s made my really excited about college and what is after high school