
Showing posts from September, 2017

life goal.

my life goal is have been able to travel the world. I want to travel as soon as I can I want to travel to Egypt, Europe, the Bahamas. So many place to explore and see. I think its really exiting to see new places and new cultures so I want to travel the whole world as my life goal.

S.M.A.R.T goal

S .  Focus on school until I have A’s and B’s and maintain them A’s and B’s. M . I’ll know when I’ve reached my goal when I see a good report card with A’s and B’s and a good GPA. A . My goal will be completed by keeping everything else after school and to do everything the teacher assigns and study for every test. R . This goal will make me and my family proud and will look good for college T . My goal will be completed every semester

vocabulary for young goodman brown

 Faith ~ complete trust or confidence in someone or something Threshold ~ a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room. Tarry ~ of, like, or covered with tar Resolve ~ settle or find a solution to a problem, dispute, or contentious matter Discern ~ perceive or recognize something Martyr ~ a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs Mirth ~ amusement, especially as expressed in laughter Catechism ~ a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians Pious ~ devoutly religious Frenzy ~ a temporary madness

my first essay

 outer space and the ocean fascinate me. the thought that were floating in air, that were basically trapped in this sphere, surrounded by other empty word spheres, surrounded by other empty spheres. the ocean: we haven't even explored 2% of the ocean. can you imagine what is inside there? all the things we haven't seen is so mind blowing to me. I've always wanted to be a marine biologist growing up, even now. once I can learn more about these topics I know I'm going to enjoy school and learning a lot more. I've always been really interested in finding new things. The thought of discovering new things about space and the ocean is really interesting to me because not a lot of people know there's so many more things to discover about our plant. scientist know more about space then our own ocean! to me that's incredible. we can discover existence and possibly save our planet from any danger that can possibly threaten it. I've been watching a documentary abou