
Showing posts from February, 2018
Something that really helped me with reading is a really good book. I love mysteries and science fictions and astronomy. I’m good at reading when I’m in a quiet place and i read best at night it’s so comforting and therapeutic.

Chapter 7 Gatsby

In chapter 7 Tom and Gatsbys conflict gets intense. He meets Daisy’s daughter and it extremely surprised. He tells daisy to tell Tom that she never loved Tom and that’s I really important part in the scene.
I’ve come to an end to the book “the great Gatsby” the beginning of the book was a bit boring and blunt but as we started learning about all the characters and their past it’s really important that we’ve read those “boring” parts. By the end of the book I was really into it. I still can’t believe how much nicks mindset on all the characters we learned about changed. I really hope to come across many more interesting book like this one soon.
I started working about a month ago and I thought it would make my life 100x harder but it’s actually been so good to be. I don’t know why but it’s made my grades better, I do a lot more hw, I pay more attention in class and I’m in a good mood. Not beening broke anymore also makes life so much easier which is why I started to work. The only down side about working is not having as much time to hang to with my family and friends but that’s a sacrifice I have to take and something I have to adjust to.
So we’ve been reading the great Gatsby and it a good book and it gets more and more interesting by the chapter but I suck at reading, I read really slow and it’s hard for me to understand what I’m reading quickly but hopefully I get to catch up because it’s getting good.